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Enjoy a selection of unique games.

  • 07/05/20 - Artorm Fighter 2: Fusion, a game entry for JamCraft 5, has been released!


View an array of free and donationware fonts.


My name is Francis Fonye and I’ve been an avid gamer ever since the age of 3. When I was young I always had dreams of creating my own video games someday, but I never had the knowledge or any guide as to how I should go about doing it. I did know how to draw, and from that, I planned many ideas.

Later on, I discovered a program called GameMaker 6.1. Its interface seemed user friendly to work with, so I played around with it making personal games. As I did not have the full version, the scale of my projects were limited so I could only have fun with it. Some time later I decided to upload a game onto the web via YoYoGames’ Sandbox for others to play it. It was there I met another game maker, Jack, whom I would then collaborate with to enter competitions. We decided that anything we made together would be known as created by Brixdee.

The focus was now on making mobile games which lead to several new concepts which were never completed. By this time, I had travelled abroad to live in Japan and so collaborating, due to the time-zone difference, had become a problem. From here I decided to look back at my old creations and see whether I could modernize them under my own name, FONYE. Now, having returned to the UK, I intend to create and publish more – not only games but music and fonts as well. I want my creations to be available for anyone to experience.

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